We successfully managed to meet at the Roasted Cafe, 215 London Road
Charlton Kings, GL52 6HY. There were five of us, but we could really do with more, because we have had to persuade the owner to open especially for us. It’s a nice little space and we are left to our own devices.
The theme was ‘A Song’ and the aim was to write something with a musical connection. I wrote a story in which someone campaigned for Stevie Wonder’s ‘Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing’ to become the National Anthem. By coincidence, Jantje (Zooming in from Germany) wrote about ‘God Save The Queen’. Lianna wrote a story based on the lovely English folk song ‘The Trees They Do Go High’. Tony read the A.E. Houseman poem ‘Is My Team Ploughing’, which you can read here. Sharon wrote a nice story about a meeting on a railway platform, inspired by a recent R’n’B song but sadly I can’t remember it. A male singer. Began with R.